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Realtime Death counter: Deaths within the last 1 seconds | | 1 | | All causes | 0 | | Infectious and parasitic diseases | 0 | | Tuberculosis | 0 | | Syphilis | 0 | | AIDS | 0 | | Diarrhoeal diseases | 0 | | Childhood-cluster diseases | 0 | | Measles | 0 | | Tetanus | 0 | | Meningitis | 0 | | Hepatitis B | 0 | | Hepatitis C | 0 | | Malaria | 0 | | Leprosy | 0 | | Dengue | 0 | | Respiratory infections | 0 | | Maternal haemorrhage | 0 | | Maternal sepsis | 0 | | Obstructed labour | 0 | | Abortion | 0 | | Low birth weight | 0 | | Birth asphyxia and birth trauma | 0 | | Protein-energy malnutrition | 0 | | Vitamin A deficiency | 0 | | Iron-deficiency anaemia | 0 | | Cancers | 0 | | Mouth and oropharynx cancers | 0 | | Oesophagus cancer | 0 | | Stomach cancer | 0 | | Mouth and oropharynx cancers | 0 | | Oesophagus cancer | 0 | | Colon and rectum cancers | 0 | | Liver cancer | 0 | | Pancreas cancer | 0 | | Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers |
| | 0 | | Melanoma and other skin cancers | 0 | | Breast cancer | 0 | | Cervix uteri cancer | 0 | | Prostate cancer | 0 | | Leukaemia | 0 | | Diabetes mellitus | 0 | | Unipolar depressive disorders | 0 | | Schizophrenia | 0 | | Epilepsy | 0 | | Alcohol use disorders | 0 | | Alzheimer and other dementias | 0 | | Parkinson disease | 0 | | Multiple sclerosis | 0 | | Drug use disorders | 0 | | Cardiovascular diseases | 0 | | Rheumatic heart disease | 0 | | Hypertensive heart disease | 0 | | Ischaemic heart disease | 0 | | Cerebrovascular disease | 0 | | Inflammatory heart diseases | 0 | | Other cardiovascular diseases | 0 | | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 0 | | Asthma | 0 | | Peptic ulcer disease | 0 | | Cirrhosis of the liver | 0 | | Road traffic accidents | 0 | | Poisonings | 0 | | Falls | 0 | | Fires | 0 | | Drownings | 0 | | Other unintentional injuries | 0 | | Self-inflicted injuries | 0 | | Violence | 0 | | War |
| |